Source code for

This module facilitates storage and acces to holography datasets
and their reconstructions via HDF5.


from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
from import imread
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar

__all__ = ['create_hdf5_archive', 'open_hdf5_archive']

def tiff_to_ndarray(path):
    """Read in TIFF file, return `~numpy.ndarray`"""
    return np.array(imread(path), dtype=np.float64)

[docs]def create_hdf5_archive(hdf5_path, hologram_paths, n_z, metadata={}, compression='lzf', overwrite=False): """ Create HDF5 file structure for holograms and phase/intensity reconstructions. Parameters ---------- hdf5_path : string Name of new HDF5 archive hologram_paths : string List of all holograms n_z : int Number of z-stacks to allocate space for meta : dict Metadata to store with in top-level of the HDF5 archive Returns ------- f : `~h5py.File` Opened HDF5 file """ if os.path.exists(hdf5_path) and not overwrite: raise ValueError("File {0} already exists. To overwrite it, " "use `overwrite=True`." .format(hdf5_path)) f = h5py.File(hdf5_path, 'w') first_image = tiff_to_ndarray(hologram_paths[0]) # Create datasets for holograms, fill it in with holograms, metadata f.create_dataset('holograms', dtype=first_image.dtype, shape=(len(hologram_paths), first_image.shape[0], first_image.shape[1]), compression=compression) # Update attributes on `holograms` with metadata f['holograms'].attrs.update(metadata) holograms_dset = f['holograms'] print('Loading holograms into file {0}...'.format(hdf5_path)) with ProgressBar(len(hologram_paths)) as bar: for i, path in enumerate(hologram_paths): holograms_dset[i, :, :] = tiff_to_ndarray(path) bar.update() # Create empty datasets for reconstructions reconstruction_dtype = np.complex128 f.create_dataset('reconstructed_wavefields', dtype=reconstruction_dtype, shape=(len(hologram_paths), n_z, first_image.shape[0], first_image.shape[1]), compression=compression) return f
[docs]def open_hdf5_archive(hdf5_path): """ Load and return a shampoo HDF5 archive. Parameters ---------- hdf5_path : string Name of HDF5 archive Returns ------- f : `~h5py.File` Opened HDF5 file """ return h5py.File(hdf5_path, 'r+')